We have two events that have a flea market – our Swap Meet in June and our Antique Engine and Tractor Show in September. The information below is for our September event.

SELLING? Vendors who were at our Antique Engine & Tractor Show last year have until July 1 to reserve their same lot for the next show. After that date, lots are filled on a first come basis. Lot size is 23×25. Vendors receive two wristbands and one vehicle pass. Extra wristbands are available for purchase ($10). There is no electric in the flea market, but water is available. Generators are allowed but must be shut off during quiet time (midnight to 7 a.m.) Vendors are allowed to camp on their lots for no extra charge  Camping spaces with electric (limited) are available in another section of the property but there is a cost. All vehicles must be parked on vendors’ lots or in main parking lot.

PRE-REGISTRATION: Before July 1: $55 (regular lot) , $60 (center aisle lot) , $65 (main road lot)
Registration after July 1: $75, $80, $85.

PLEASE READBecause of the congestion in the flea market and the difficulty of getting vehicles and trailers down the aisle through the shoppers, flea market check in and set up will take place ONLY on Tuesday and Wednesday  from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. You must be set up before the show opens on Thursday. You can not register/set up once the show starts.

VEHICLES: Vehicles are not allowed entrance  from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Parking is available in the main lot. You can walk in or leave at any time.

Click on the link below to get this year’s contract. 

2025 Flea Market Contract (Show)

PROHIBITED ITEMS: Firearms, weapons, fireworks, MFM logo and political items (banners, flags, signs etc. including the Confederate.)  ATVs, mini or dirt bikes can not be driven on show grounds but you can sell them.

PETS: Pets are welcome, but they MUST stay at your camp site at all times. No walking your pet around the property.

All Personal Transportation Vehicles (golf carts, Gators etc,) except one seat mobility units, must be registered. Cost is $30 and good for entire show.

TRASH –  Due to the large amount of trash that is generated, we will be placing dumpsters at the north and south end of the flea market and reducing the number of barrels that are located on the rows. Please use the dumpsters to dispose of your trash. You need to leave your lot clean after the show ends. DO NOT leave broken items, appliances, tires, bikes, boxes of household items etc. You are welcome to leave burnable items like cardboard and wood. Please break down your boxes and leave by the dumpsters.

SECURITY: We do hire two security companies but, they can’t be all places at once. Please make sure your items are safe and secure. If you have a problem, please notify the Registration Gate.